Archive for the ‘Buzz Bee’ Category

Double Shot Rifle w/ 6 darts & 4 shells   Leave a comment

Double Shot Rifle w/ 6 darts & 4 shells Review

Durability: Of the three I’ve had in the past 3+ years, only one broke when its elastic gave way. In all fairness, I also had been fiddling with the innards a few days prior to its breaking, and had already had that specific one for over a year. There has been some loss of power as they’ve gotten older; the newer one has slightly more “umphf” than the remaining older one. Still for a toy that costs about , 3 years is a pretty good lifespan for stuff made these days.

Ease of Use: The shotgun breaks cleanly, but is harder to cock than any other other foam-dart gun I’ve ever used. The shells are cumbersome, and reloading the gun does take longer than simpler single-shot models. I recommend buying additional shells and having several prepared instead of trying to reload them on the spot. On a rare occasion, darts have gotten stuck when firing, but no more so or less so than any other blaster. Other reviewers have remarked about using “perfectly straight” darts. To be honest, if you are using bent darts in any type of breech-loading foam-dart gun, you’re going to have problems.

Power/Range: Out of the box, it’s not bad. The guns fire about 20′ – 30′ out of the box. The range and power does deteriorate with age, again something not uncommon.

Modifications: There are several web-sites that provide instructions on how to modify the shells. Using these mods, I managed to get an average range of 65′ on bench tests (yes, I’m that much of a nerd that I bench-test my Nerf guns. Thank you.) The furthest distance was about 85′. There are also the standard modifications that involve the replacement of the O-rings and the springs, but I haven’t bothered with them. I have also sawed off the barrels down to just before the fore-grip; this reduces the chance of the darts getting stuck or bouncing around in the barrel when fired.

Educational: Well, if you want to teach your kid how to load a double-barrel shotgun, I suppose you could call it educational.

Fun: These guns are great. They’ve got a comfortable weight to them, and they look cool. I’ve had other nerf-herders stop in mid-battle asking about them, and even had offers to buy them off of me. They are not the kind of gun you want to use for an extended firefight, but work nicely for “hunter” type missions. You can also use those holsters for power drills to carry them on your belt (definitely saw-off the barrels for this if you want to do quick-draws.)

Overall: I don’t recommend it to anyone under 10 years old, but for older kids and adults it’s a great side-arm or backup gun. As with any inexpensive plastic toy, quality may vary.

Double Shot Rifle w/ 6 darts & 4 shells Feature

  • It has double barrel
  • Easy loading mechanism
  • Automatic ejection of shells
  • It contains 6 foam darts
  • It also includes 4 shells

Double Shot Rifle w/ 6 darts & 4 shells Overview

BuzzBee Ruff Stuff Air Blasters Double Shot Blaster Gun

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 24, 2010 10:29:45

murad acne complex kit coffee makers

Posted September 24, 2010 by ilovesheabuttercream in Buzz Bee

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100 Foam Dart refill   Leave a comment

100 Foam Dart refill Review

You can never be too thin, have too much money or too many nerf bullets. You can even lose bullets in an empty room, without furniture, painted white, with a white carpet. No doubt, when I move the next owner will be able to find and sell all my missing nerf bullets on e-bay and get rich.

I say nerf bullets in the generic sense. These bullets are for the Buzz Bee/Ruff Stuff guns. Generally I find that Nerf guns won’t fire Buzz Bee bullets and vice versa so I’m glad that the two manufacturers make their bullets in different colors otherwise we’d have no end of trouble finding which bullets go where. One exception I find is that the old Nerf AirTech 2000 gun (discontinued) won’t fire the new Nerf bullets, but they’ll fire these Buzz Bee ones.

Anyway, to get back to the subject, if you participate in Nerf wars, you will need replacement bullets. People are always complaining about losing them, and even going as far as putting their names on each dart…. please! And after a shootout, people are always checking under couches, behind tv’s and once even behind the fridge for them, what a waste of time! With a pack of 100 you can shoot and forget. Over time, you’re gonna buy more than a few packs of 30 anyway, so why not go whole hog and just get the 100 packs. Otherwise, you can always check the inside of the vaccuum cleaner bag (ugh!) or hope to move into a house where the previous owner lost a lot of darts!

100 Foam Dart refill Feature

  • Contains 100 pieces
  • Soft foam dars and safe with suction cup function
  • Recommended for 6 years

100 Foam Dart refill Overview

Get this bargain priced pack of darts that fit all your foam war needs! Works with all the major guns in the Nerf line including the new Vulcan, the MagStrike, Nite Finder, and Maverick! Also fits all the major toys in BuzzBee’s Ruff Stuff line: The Tommy 20, Rapid Fire Rifle, Double Shot, and Mustang 6. If you’ve lost your darts, get your refills here at a bargain price!

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 21, 2010 07:54:35

murad acne complex kit coffee makers

Posted September 21, 2010 by ilovesheabuttercream in Buzz Bee

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